Sunday, January 24, 2010

Bust weekend, oh my!

The beginning of this blog entry began with a typo (most likely not a surprise to those who know me, haha), so there it stays. "Bust" is meant to be "Busy" so this entry is not about breasteses, sorry. :-P

I actually had to mail off 6 orders this weekend, which is not normal for me, at all. I am so thankful to have been in two awesome treasuries by ThePeachTree and zwzzy that happened to make the Front Page. I have the Etsy Mini on the right if you want to see the one that I was officially in. I happened to be an alternate in ThePeachTree's treasury and mine made it to the FP, so I know all that exposure is the main reason for all the sales this week. So it was a cool week and this shows how I really need to promote more.

I thought I would post my humble beginnings and show my work station and my table that makes things so much more easier to work. I was preparing all my packages to send off yesterday.

I was taking inventory today to see where my bead colors are lacking. Methinks I am needing reds, oranges, and yellows. Ha. I don't know why, but I liked the bright magenta bead sitting there all by itself. :-D
And we have the end of my day yesterday, with a little of today mixed in. I snapped this yesterday evening from my bedroom window...because it's awesome.


  1. your packaging is divine! but I thought you were gonna talk about boobies :p

  2. its too bad that there are no breasts...but I love your pics! that sunset is divine.
